Thursday, December 6, 2012

Finals Week (Top 10)

Top 10 Signs It's Finals Week:

10-You sent up your first prayer since last semester

9-Your Facebook status updates are under consideration for inclusion in the canon under "2 Lamentations"

8-Girls:You no longer pick on the undergrads for wearing tightsaspants... because you have resorted to leggings and yoga pants as well..  Guys: Your facial hair called... it would like to remind you that it's no longer November

7-It is socially acceptable to keep your hat on during prayer... because even Jesus doesn't want to see what's hiding under there

6-You just discovered Better Than Dear Candler... and it was because you just tried to google "exegesis"

5-The entire student body is dressed more casually than Dr. Johnson

4-Your dog/cat/significant other/child no longer recognizes you

3-You have a gold card at Starbucks... and you just registered your card last week*

2-You have run through all of the TV shows you've been wanting to see for the past 3 years... and the ones you haven't... on Netflix.  And have finally figured out that it's probably time to start studying.

And the number 1 sign it's finals week...

1-You open your books to write a paper and then get distracted by this blog post instead.

Good luck, best wishes, and we'll see you on the other side!

*Gold card: what happens when you use a registered gift card (or iPhone) to pay for Starbucks and buy the equivalent of 30 drinks within a specified time frame

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